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Organic Arch-Live

video installation, art, archive

Organic Arc Live is an interactive installation made expressly for an interesting museum in Turin named PAV – Parco d’Arte Vivente.
The goal of the installation is to refresh the archive with a simplified fruition for the people in the museum, giving the archive of the museum, from past exhibition to events and forums hosted to the people.
Organic Arch Live allows a creative use of the archive, made for generic public, with main information packed in a simple and well-looking short videos.

Users can explore handy cards, expressively projected for the installation, with images and a short text about past exhibition and events. For every card a video show information about the exhibit, with completely automatic on/off.

This installation was made as part of my PhD thesis in my PhD graduation in Turin Polytechnic, 2011. Tech: webcam, MacPro, Tuio protocol and Isadora.

More info here: